@php $sno_c=1; @endphp
Office Report
@isset($i_arraylc->infructuous) @if($i_arraylc->infructuous==1)
{{ $sno_c }}. Infructuous-
Infructuous identified by computer. This case has been filed in High Court against the Interlocutory Order Dated {{ $i_arraylc->lct_dec_dt }} passed in District Court {{ $i_arraylc->district }} in Case No. {{ $i_arraylc->lc_caseno }}. This case is disposed on {{ $i_arraylc->date_of_decision }}.
@php $sno_c++; @endphp @endif @endisset @if($order_content!='')
{{ $sno_c }}. Summary of last order-
{!! $order_content !!}
@php $sno_c++; @endphp @endif @if($brd_remark!='')
{{ $sno_c }}. Statuary Information-
{!! $brd_remark !!}
@php $sno_c++; @endphp @endif @if($relief!='')
{{ $sno_c }}. Prayer-
{{ $relief }}
@php $sno_c++; @endphp @endif @if(count((array)$o_array)>0)
{{ $sno_c }}. Number of IA's with their status.
@foreach($o_array as $ia) @endforeach
IA Number Name of the IA Pending / Disposed
{{ $ia->docnum }}/{{ $ia->docyear }} {{ $ia->doc_desc }} @if($ia->iastat=='P') Pending @elseif($ia->iastat=='D') Disposed @endif
@php $sno_c++; @endphp @endif @if(count((array)$o_array1)>0)
{{ $sno_c }}. Service Report.
@foreach($o_array1 as $notice) @endforeach
Process ID Notice Type Date if issue the process Name of the party Served/Unserved Valalatnama
{{ $notice->process_id }}/{{ date('Y',strtotime($notice->rec_dt)) }} @if($notice->copy_type!='') {{ $notice->copy_type }} @endif
{{ $notice->nt_type }} {{ date('d-m-Y',strtotime($notice->dispatch_dt)) }} {{ $notice->sendto_name }} {{ $notice->serve_type }} @if($notice->ser_date!='-') ({{ date('d-m-Y',strtotime($notice->ser_date)) }}) @endif @isset($notice->enrollno) {{ $notice->enrollno }} @endisset @isset($notice->vak_rec_dt) ({{ date('d-m-Y',strtotime($notice->vak_rec_dt)) }}) @endisset
@php $sno_c++; @endphp @endif @if(count((array)$o_array2)>0)
{{ $sno_c }}. Act and Section/ Subject category.
@php $sno=1; @endphp @foreach($o_array2 as $act) @php $sno++; @endphp @endforeach
S.No. Act Section
{{ $sno }} {{ $act->actcode }}- {{ $act->actname }} @if($act->section!=null) {{ $act->section }} @endif
@php $sno_c++; @endphp @endif @if(count((array)$connected_case)>0)
{{ $sno_c }}. Connected Cases.
@foreach($connected_case as $val) @endforeach
Case No. Party Name
{{ $val->skey }}-{{ $val->caseno }}-{{ $val->caseyear }} {{ $val->pet_name }} Vs {{ $val->res_name }}
@php $sno_c++; @endphp @endif @if($sno_c==1)
No Record Found
@else @endif